Illinois Master Mind Group

“It takes a village”.  We have all heard that expression.  It also takes a group of highly intelligent business women to continually support each other in their businesses.  The Illinois Master Mind Group does just that — Empower.  Motivate.  Activate.   L-R:  Sally Rutledge-Ott, ACE, NFPC, Julie Reimer, Laurie Ragan, Linda Osthus, Alicia Sesto and…

Chamber of Commerce

Working with Chambers of Commerce is nothing new to Ottsie.  For 30 years, Sally has been training, facilitating and developing chambers throughout the US.  Here is an amazing leader – Katie Murphy, NFPC – President & CEO of the Galena, Illinois Chamber of Commerce.  Ottsie worked with the Galena Chamber for two years and is…